I remember checking out the Wilhelm Reich Museum in Rangeley Maine one summer. I knew very little about Reich at that time, but enough to know that he was an unconventional scientist of interest. We entered the museum and had to attend a guided tour. There were two of us and that was the extent of the participants. The tour began with a brief video about Reich. We sat in metal folding chairs as our guide started the video. She sat beside it to the right, in perfect view of us and us to her. The choppy low budget film told me what I did not know about Reich as this 70+ year old woman sat observing me. Reich believed that the key to health was the human orgasm. He also believed that the orgasm was a manifestation of a universal energy source and he named that energy source Orgonon. Reich wanted to harness this energy source and use it to help the human race. The Orgone Accumulator was a box he invented that could accumulate Orgonon energy. Patients would sit in the Orgone Accumulator and be saturated with Orgonon energy. Reich believed that this life force energy that he argued was found everywhere could heal many human ailments.
Now that was not something I expected to learn as a 70 year old woman sat confidently, calmly, and at the ready to answer all my questions about the power of orgasms on that hot August day.
There is a lot more fun information in the subject of orgasm Orgonon energy and the Orgone Accumulator, so feel free to search the web. One site is http://inventors.about.com/od/qrstartinventors/a/orgone.htm.
Then we have Napoleon Hill, one of my brilliant mentors. He wrote about Sex Transmutation.
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To the woman in in this vid: thanks for sharing your insight on this subject as well as embedding a sexual desire for your body in my mind i can now draw from to sexually transmute with a great burning passion into my definite purpose. Your body and mind got me fired up i might make a million dollars this week.Thanks tits· 6 likes
I will transmute her boobs into my assignment.
Shockingly that last comment did not get any like hits...hhhmmm....
Another sexual energy is known as Kundalini.
So although I started today's blog on orgasms, the underlying energy of orgasms or choosing not to have orgasms is where we ended up. The extensive topic of orgasms will continue in following blogs. Just like with every other sexual and sensual topic of today, there is so much more to discover, discuss, and think about. What might you do with the sex energy that flows throughout you and perhaps the Universe?
Make a million dollars? If so, I expect to hear, in the famous words of the video commentator oddiemonsta, "Thanks tits."